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February is American Heart Month

American Heart Month

February is #AmericanHeartMonth

Today we share great information on Cardiovascular Health from the Department of Health and Human Services. https://health.gov/myhealthfinder/health-conditions/heart-health/keep-your-heart-healthy

❤️❤️ Top tips to prevent heart disease: ❤️❤️

  • Consume Healthy Food 🥑🍎🥕🥦
  • Engage in Physical Activity 💃🏀🎿🎾
  • Manage Stress 😌🧘‍♂️🚴
  • Moderate Consumption ✔️

Additionally, a good night sleep is of great importance. 😴 🛌 🌙

Many people are often encouraged to improve their overall health when aiming to prevent cardiovascular disease. While nutrition and exercise are commonly emphasized, one crucial aspect that’s often overlooked is the importance of sleep. In fact, increased physical activity can lead to better sleep quality, which in turn enhances overall well-being.

To help with this, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) Adviser has created a resource titled How Does Exercise Affect Sleep?. This guide covers:

  • The role of deep sleep in physical recovery, immune function, and cognitive health
  • The interconnectedness of stress, sleep, and exercise
  • The unique exercise and sleep needs of older adults

By understanding the relationship between exercise, sleep, and health, individuals—especially older adults—can take meaningful steps toward improving their overall well-being and quality of life.

National Hug Day

A Day to Hug and Rip the Benefits

Hugs are good for your health.

During the pandemic, many became aware of the need for physical contact, and being able to hug loved ones was missed most. Lockdowns greatly impacted mental health. Those who lost family and friends to covid suffered the most, unable to embrace them in their last moments of life.

Today and every day hug and be hugged.

Celebrate our humanity with a simple show of affection, care, and support through the physical expression of a hug.

Top benefits of hugs:

  • Reduces stress levels
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases well-being and pleasure
  • Helps fight off infections

Mochila de Emergencia: ¿Qué debe incluir?

¿Que debe incluir la mochila de emergencia?

En situaciones de emergencia como son los desastres naturales como terremotos y huracanes es importante estar preparado y responder rápidamente.

La mochila debe ser equipada con artículos que aseguren supervivencia durante las primeras 24 a 72 horas. Es importante que cada miembro de la familia tenga su mochila preparada con sus necesidades. También se aconseja una mochila que tenga los pertinentes a la propiedad y aseguranza. Medicamentos indispensables para tratamientos, papel higiénico, alcohol en gel, toallas higiénicas, y cualquier equipo médico necesario para el monitoreo y/o administración de medicamentos.


  1. Artículos de higiene
  2. Botiquín de primeros auxilios
  3. Bebidas y alimentos no perecibles
  4. Ropa y cobijas
  5. Dinero en efectivo
  6. Equipo de comunicación
  7. Documentos importantes de la propiedad y su aseguranza
  8. Números de contacto importante: familiares y médicos

Es importante estar preparado y mantenerse alerta a las comunicaciones de las autoridades.


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